mampir dan mengintip

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A two months postponed emotions

This year I had a simple yet quite heart-warming birthday celebration. Why? Because this year I got the chance to know that I still have them, the best people in my life. They are here through the hi-s and lows. arent they rock? Yes they are.

Dan satu hal yang paling membahagiakan adalah, I got my very first birthday hug from my employer. Seumur-umur memiliki atasan, baru kali ini gue mendapatkan ucapan selamat ulang tahun tulus dan pelukan hangat. I was so happy and blessed. Bukan hanya itu, saat dia tau kalo gue baru ulang taun kemarin malemnya, dengan nada menyesal dia bilang kalo tau gue ulang taun mungkin dia bisa bawain sesuatu buat gue. That was very sweet of her :D  Well, selain gue sangat respect ke atasan gue ini, gue juga sorta ngefans atas kapabilitasnya dalam menjadi atasan. She speaks loud and clear. Loud in a good way ya. Karena gue nggak nemuin padanan istilah yang tepat untuk gaya bicara tegas, runut, mudah dimengerti dan straight to the point. Baru kali ini dapet atasan yang seperti itu. KEREN. Dan dia juga punya dedikasi tinggi, tough women yet soft hearted kind of person. She is still human with her flaws and all ofcourse, tapi sejauh gue kerja sama dia, gue belum nemuin sih sesuatu itu.  Mungkin kalo pun udah ketemu, its all just acceptable to me. She is amazing boss and Im lucky to work with her.

So Be It.

"I'm Gonna make it. You know why? Because I have nothing left to lose." 

-Marry the Night - Lady Gaga.-