mampir dan mengintip

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ace and Cleo.

They were very naughty.. Lari ke sana ke sini bikin berantakan rumah. Dan kadang suka bikin jengkel. But our love is too big to get disturbed by their annoying behavior. They loved us like we do sincerely. There are so many memories I had with them. A very deep ones. Maybe someday I'll tell the story about how Ace taken care of his sister Keko when she was dying few months a go. He was very concern about her sister's condition. Hampir tiap hari dalam kurun waktu dua minggu, dalam beberapa jam dia akan tidur di sampingnya, ngejilatin, nungguin... Not like a common cat as usual. Dia kayak tau kalau kakak nya butuh perhatian.

Nyesel banget nggak sempet ngambil foto si Ace..

Good bye Cleo and Ace, you are surely will remain in our memories for eternity. Thank you for being the part of us. :')